
If you have an idea for a educational or fun video that would help educate people on the Bible, submit your idea through this email link.  If it’s a way for us to have more desserts, I like it already!

If one or more of our videos helped you in any way and you would like to tell us, please use this email link. These emails will not be shared with the public and will remain confidential unless you authorize us to share them.

If you have any questions about cookies or desserts, we can help you. But if you have questions about our videos or content, we will do our best to help you. If you have any questions that do not entirely relate to the videos, but you see a slim chance that we might be able to help you, go for it! If you’re here to complain about having a sugar rush because of all the cookies you ate while watching our videos, we have only one thing to ask you; are there any cookies left?